The needs of the cancer patients in the times of the Covid19 pandemic
This questionnaire aims to understand and evaluate the needs of cancer patients in the times of Covid-19 pandemic, as well as their attitude to use technology to improve their quality of life.
For this reason, it is important that - while filling in the questionnaire - the patients go back to the past months and really think about their condition and their needs during the lockdown.
We kindly ask you not only to fill it in carefully, but also to help us spread it as much as possible. The more answers we get, the more information we can process in order to propose suitable solutions:
- to foster a better interaction between the medical staff and the patient;
- to make it easier to access innovative apps to improve quality of life;
- to facilitate access to health services and tests results.
Many thanks for your help!
This project has received funding from the European Union’s H2020 Programme under grant agreement No 875052.
Le informazioni presenti nel sito devono servire a migliorare, e non a sostituire, il rapporto medico-paziente. In nessun caso sostituiscono la consulenza medica specialistica.
Pur garantendo l'esattezza e il rigore scientifico delle informazioni, Aimac declina ogni responsabilità con riferimento alle indicazioni fornite sui trattamenti, ricordando a tutti i pazienti visitatori che in caso di disturbi e/o malattie è sempre necessario rivolgersi al proprio medico curante.
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